Senin, 18 September 2017

Inner beauty

Diposting oleh mirefasdiari di 02.10

The true beauty in woman reflected in her soul, the nature of self.
That's called inner beauty

By Mirefa91

Well, selain berupa gambar, aku juga suka banget nulis status yang bertema “attract love and attract happiness.” Menurut aku itu penting banget,kalau kita ingin mengundang hal positif ke kehidupan kita, semua harus berawal dari paradigm kita sendiri J

When we do the best that we can, we never know that miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.
Happy Monday!
Have a productive week ;)

By Mirefa91

Even in the tiniest and smallest structure of the creature, God always gives perfection and beauty in every creation.
Therefore, it would be great if we always grateful of every happiness we've got.
As time flies fast, our gratitude thought and feeling  will deeply reach the subconscious mind and  create new believe that attract happiness and prosperity =)

By Mirefa91

Life isn't about finding yourself

Life is about creating yourself =) #today's #daily #quote

By Mirefa91

Grateful statement
Let go of the past, and go for the future.
Go confidently in the direction of your dream.
Live the life you've imajined =) Sunday Morning Statement
Thanks July for the extraordinary memories =)
By Mirefa91

Foto bersama keluarga tercinta, minus menantu dan calon menantu. ;) Harapan mama dan bapa untuk lebaran tahun depan semoga menantunya sudah lengkap plus cucu baru. Aamiin, semoga bisa terwujud ;) 070716

One big family =)
Btw, tinggal aku yang belum punya pasangan y? Hoho
Semoga bisa menyusul ya para kaka. 
By Mirefa91

Nemuin foto ini, kejutan ulang tahun dari murid. Salah satu ucapannya:  " Semoga cepet dapet pacar ya Bu Emi =)"
Membaca itu, aku langsung protes gitu ke mereka (udah dikasih malah nawar, ckck). 
Beginilah dialognya :

Me     : "Hmm,,, Alvi , Rahma, boleh ga kalo tulisan pacarnya diganti sama suami."  
A n R  :" Oke, Bu, tapi ko diganti sih?"
me     : "Udah lewat masanya, haha."
A n R  : "Ciye ibu yang pengen nikah."
me     : "Aamiin, doain dong sama kalian (maksa gitu ngomongnya, hehe)"
A n R  : "iya bu kita pasti doain ko =)"

Dan akhirnya mereka mengganti tulisan "pacar" dengan "suami" =)
aamiin semoga jadi doa ya =)
Btw makasih ucapannya Alvi dan Rahma Wahid =)

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