Minggu, 06 Maret 2016

Me and "Anti mainstream Man"

Diposting oleh mirefasdiari di 06.18
Hello all
Now, I want to share about one of my experience , it’s kind of  funny one, which related to my friend’s chat.

What makes the story funny because in every time I think about it I just couldn’t stop laughing .Okay, let’s begin the story, once upon a time, my college friend, boy, sent chat to me via FB. He asked for my WA number, so I gave it to him. There are the detail chat below ( I’ll tell you in bahasa and i wont tell his exact name, so let’s call him A, okay?)

I skip some message in order to the point to the story

Me: Selooow aja kali, btw sibuk apa sekarang? (tried to find another topic :p)
A: Kerja mir di consultant psikologi di daerah…..Emir? Baru balik dari Batam kmrn, bbrp bulan yang lalu (me: I didn’t even ask about it)
Me: Oia, apa namanya? Gua ngajar sekarang
A: ………. Daerah bogor deket rumah mir?
Me: jadi balik dari Batamnya kemaren atau bulan lalu?
A: November sih mir, terus lanjut kerja, Cerita dong mir gmn di Ausi?
Me: asik tu di batam ke Belitung gitu, pemandangannya bagus, kemaren lagi liburan sekolah, jadi ke tempat kaka
A: owh enak ya guru liburannya panjang, beda sama kita
Me: iyaaa lumayan banyak di sini
A: Mir, s2 yu, lagi pgn S2 nih gua, hehe
Me: iya,,, pengen lanjut  juga, harus lanjut kita soalnya. Psikologi
Me: Oh ya, Emir mau lanjut dmn?Anti mainsteam nih, Biasanya klo cwo ngajak cewe, nikah, Lah ini ngajak s2
Me: Hahaha soalnyacowo diajak cewe nikah pada kabur XDXDXDX, hmm pengen cri beasiswa, lw gimana
A: Lah curhat mir, gw mah mau bgtnikah mir, buat gw sih nikah bukan penghambat berkarir hebat, ortu blm setuju
Me: Kagalah,,,
A: Kaka gw blm nikah soalnya, cewe, tuhh kan jadi curcol, Lo sih mincing hehe
Me: Cuma ya kalo nanya yang seumuran rata2 banyak yang kejar karir, walaupun ada juga yang pengen nikah cepet, tgt orangnya juga sih, gua suka survey  gitu soalnya
A: tergantung sih mir, pengen bgt gw nikah tahun ini, menjaga agama Mir
Me: Ciyeee, udah ada calonnya lu?
A: Ga baik pacaran melulu, hha
Me: hahaha
A: Calon sih banyak, Cuma gua belum milih aja, kalo laki2 khan milih, kalo cewe nunggu, paling Cuma bisa kasih jawaban iya/ga. Lo sendiri gmn, udah punya calon?
Me: Gaya banget lu banyak pilihan, Gua udah ada (Actually, I want to continue my text, :Udah tercatat di alam ruh, tapi sayannya belum ketemu”, Iater If he ask or probe my statement)
AA: Bla blab la, (because he didn’t probe my statement, so I didn’t text it)
And  our text was getting shorter and shorter, and finally he said:
A: Mir, gua lanjut dulu ya, Have a nice day Mir!

I was so surprised with his respond, why suddenly he stopped texting me, later I realized that because I said “Gua udah ada”, may be that’s why he did it! I just started to laugh over and over again, just couldn’t stop it! XDXDXD  I laughed because of my action, I mean Why I could be so insensitive in respond a conversation like that. Lucky me if he not the one that I admire, so I don’t need to regret it, but how about if it happened to the one that I really love??  I could be made a huge mistake that I’ll regret it!!!! XDXDXD XD

Sometimes, I tried to reflect what had been happened in my life, is it may be the one reason that till now I still don’t have a boy friend? Because I don’t know how to respond or react to someone that I really2 liked? I just confused and didn’t know how to do in give respond and keep communicating till finally me and him made it! Yups, sometimes, I feel  that way, I’m so insensitive and awkward in front of someone or to deal with someone I like.  Is it the reason? Or is it just onlv the matter of time and the part of  God’s plan to make it come true, until I finally meet the right one? 

Hmm,,,I dunno, I just need to figure it out :D

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