Its Friday, so it’s right time for Geprak Sirih to Neo! Hmm,,,, Geprak Sirih? What’s that mean? Okay, may be you don’t have any idea, or even you never heard about these strange words, so you don’t have to worry, I will explain it. Geprak Sirih is one of tradition of Sundanese or Javenese, the name of ethnic or clan in Indonesia. Yes, it’s true that I’m Indonesian. Although not all Sundanese or Javenese still do or even believe the ritual or tradition in this modern era, but for some of them still have believe in doing Geprak Sirih. The meaning of Geprak Sirih itself is giving sirih, some kind of leaf, to Baby by hit the leaf to the baby’s lip in order they have a nice smile and can talk or speak well. Geprak Sirih usually done in every Friday at 11 am. Before we hit the sirih to the baby’s lip, we have to pray and make a wish, and after that we softly hitting them in baby’s leaf while we state our purpose by telling it third times.
Some kind of funny isn’t it? May be, if we think logically, it doesn’t make any sense at all. How can it be? I mean, how can by hitting the leaf to the baby’s lip can make them have nice smile, or they will be friendly to the other and can speak well. If you want your baby have a nice smile or can speak well, you have to make a good environment that can support and stimulate them to speak.
Yeah, believe it or not, I still have faith to do the tradition J WISH YOU CAN SPEAK WELL, Neo!

Sirih in my house

Its called sirih

Just pick one of them

Lets Geprak Sirih :)
Hit softly to his lip and spell "Speak Speak Speak" or " Smile Smile Smile" :D
He smiles! Cheers XDXD