Why not? As we know, homemade is everything which
made in the home by one's own effort. In the other words, it served by love to
make everyone happy. Absolutely, for me Homemade food is happiness. So, in this
writing session I would like to tell you some essential reasons why I prefer
homemade food more than store boost one.
First thing first, we can make
sure by our self that it contains healthier
ingredients which is fresher, no artificial, preservative, any
many other chemical ingredient. Many commercially prepared foods are high
in fat, salt, and sugar. When we prepare our own food, we know exactly which
ingredients and how much of each are going into our food. Moreover, we
also guarantee the cooking process will be more hygiene
Secondly, believe it or not,
it gives us more self-satisfaction if we could make our favourite dish, or even
dream food. When we get closer and reach the expectation result, we can get
happier and boost our confident. Why not? Cooking and baking are need long
process, so when the other feel happy and appreciate our food will
give plus point that can't be describe by any word. Another reason, I also have
terrible experience when I eat in the restaurant, sometimes the food was so
expensive, but the presentation and the taste is far from my expectation that I
regret the most. How could this kind of food be so expensive, it’s better than I
cook by myself i can make a better one with higher quality food ingredient and tastier
off course.
Thirdly, portion control.
Many restaurants and fast food joints offer portions that are much larger than
necessary. And the problem is, when food is in front of you, chances are you’ll
eat it. When you dine in, you can regulate the amount of food served for
dinner, eliminating unnecessary temptation.
Fourth, brings family together.
Eating at home gives the entire family time to talk about their day. Nothing
better than stay close with food while have good quality of conversation with
the member of family. it will give unforgettable moment as time goes on.
Last but not least, in this
modern era, people tend to think more practically and consumptive than ever.
They buy food at food street which we cannot make sure the dish material is
hygiene or not, they order food online, buy frozen food, eating in the
restaurant just for social purpose, and many more. However, by making our
own food will indirectly teach our children how to make it, Moreover, it will
give more advantages in long term effect in the future. The truth is, we indirectly
set the perspective of creating than buying, support them to discover the
invention. Furthermore, I wish my kids will able not only to create something,
but also to sell something for their life. Well, that’s my opinion about Why I
choose more Homemade food. So, my question is I’d love to hear from
you: How often do you cook at home? Cheers to food