Okay,, Do you have any planning about holiday?? Lets list it. Its fun :)
I have so many plan about my holiday,,,,,I really love making plan, But I can`t guarantee that i can follow all. huhu
One of my plan is to finish the unfinished task and the unfinished task is painting.

The picture of ME n JK ROWLING
hahaha,,,,,, Like this Like this much much much
I Love her so Much !!
I really want to meet her Someday!!!
She inspired me so Much
Picture drawn by me when I was waiting my sis to go somewhere ( honestly, forgot huhu).
Long time she didn't come and I was too bored to wait her. Fortunately, TADAAA, I realized that I bring My Lovely Sketch book with Purple Oil Pastel inside the book.
I started to draw with no Idea in my mind, but confidence to draw it And Surprise, The Purple Rose was finished to draw, Lovely
Honestly,,, I draw this picture Incidentally, hoho..
I don`t have any idea to finish it, but after finished coloring the flower, the result is not too bad and i like it, so I must finish it !!