Senin, 28 Februari 2011


Diposting oleh mirefasdiari di 00.08 0 komentar

Minggu, 27 Februari 2011


Diposting oleh mirefasdiari di 01.39 0 komentar

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011


Diposting oleh mirefasdiari di 19.11 0 komentar
There was the time when I was in the mask....

the mask

When I put the mask on

Hiding my self from all those surround me
Running from reality

I don't want the world to see me

I've been heading in wrong direction

I'm lost

I dunno where to go
everything can seem so unkind
everything can seem so wrong

I lose everything

time flies and tells everything

Then I realize
The world is turning and I'm learning

I believe in everything that comes to my life has a purpose

each day is new birth
each day is another step of my journey to The Real Me

every time i believe, more secret will be revealed


its me, without the mask

I'm Transforming
I don't need the mask anymore
I'm throwing away all doubt, fear, anger, and disappointment

From now on,
I'm clearing my mind to limitation and negative thinking
I'm opening my heart to positive feeling, emotion, and energy to create more fulfillment in my life,
I acknowledge that my reality as great as my imagination

I need only to

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Something in mind

Diposting oleh mirefasdiari di 05.38 0 komentar
Hmmmm,,,, berpikir- berpikir,,,hmmm

Liburan nyaris berakhir.....

Entah apa yang harus saya rasakan
Sedih atau Senang
berpikir- berpikir....

Hmm....mungkin ini saatnya untuk mempersiapkan semua hal yang dibutuhkan untuk semester yang akan datang.

Gua berharap semester yang akan datang jauh lebih baik dari semester yang sebelumnya di segala aspek kehidupan. Amin..

Kabar baiknya adalah Gua seneng banget ketika mengetahui bahwa semua mata kuliah pada semester 4 adalah PSIKOLOGI.
Yeah, it gives me great pleasure!!
Whoaa, Fantastic!!

Fiuhhh,,, akhirnya setelah menunggu 3 semester, tiba juga semester yang dinanti. Para senior yang telah memberikan peringatan kalo semester 4 ini adalah semester gudangnya tugas, tugas, dan tugas.

Ya Tuhan berikanlah saya kekuatan agar bisa menjalani semester ini dengan baik. Amin


Diposting oleh mirefasdiari di 05.05 0 komentar

Selasa, 22 Februari 2011


Diposting oleh mirefasdiari di 05.33 0 komentar
Hari ini gak banyak aktivitas yang gua lakuin. Rencananya hari ini mau pergi ke kampus ama ori buat liat nilai n validasi, tetapi berhubung banyak anak- anak yang datang besok, jadi rencana ke kampus hari ini dibatalin. Hmmm,,, baguslah, gua memang males banget datang ke kampus! Yeah!

Karena gak jadi ke kampus, akhirnya gua memutuskan ketemu Dani- kun, teman sma gua, buat ngasih buku- buku snmptn di elos. Rencananya di mau ikutan SNMPTN, lho, tahun ini! Wish You Luck, Dan!!! Setelah menunggu lama, (gua dateng jam 9, ekalos masih tutup) akhirnya dia datang juga sekitar jam 10an,, katanya c dia ga bawa dompet jadi dari Bale binarum dia lari- lari ke elos ( Hduh... niat ketemu gak sih :p ).

Di elos kita ngobrol2 sebentar, dia bilang betapa menyesalnya datang2 pagi2 kalo tau hari ini gua gak jadi ke kampus (rencananya hari ini gua, nuri mau ketemuan ) n you know what? Damn.... dia mengingatkan gua akan sebuah hasrat terpendam gua yang selama ini gua jaga baik- baik yaitu mengikuti sebuah komunitas fotografi di kampus. Wah, dani lo harus bertanggung jawab!! gua jadi kepikiran terus ,nih! hahahaha. Mudah2an semester ini bisa terealisasikan, Aminnnnnn.

Setelah itu kita berpisah.
Di rumah gua harus mengerjakan beberapan tugas rumah d
dan pada akhirnya...


it's Custard Pie

Membuat Pie, (mendadak banget d, ga ada rencana sma sekali, hanya mengandalkan sumberdaya yang apa adanya, huhuhu), tapi seneng banget hehehehe

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Nerio in action

Diposting oleh mirefasdiari di 05.11 0 komentar


just me
I’m Astronaut, Yeah!

I’m Donald Duck
I’m Polar Bear!!

I’m King of Nerio Kingdom

Aladin Aladin

Let’s Rock n Roll!

Born to be a WINNER

Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

Junior Masterchef Australia

Diposting oleh mirefasdiari di 22.24 2 komentar

This Delicious Dishes

riccota- gnoccini with eggplant sauce

Falsomagro with crumbed eggplant and tomato sauce

is cooked by 12 years old girls!!!!

Can you BELIEVE IT??


how can they do that unbelievable and unthinkable things in young ages??
BUT, believe it or not you can see more amazing and more awesome phenomenons
only in

Junior Masterchef Australia

"From 5,500 young cooks who auditioned from around the country, 50 amazing young chefs made it through for a chance to become one of the Top 12 in Junior MasterChef Australia"

Junior Masterchef Australia
is one of my favorite television program. What a gorgeous television program ever after!! Actually, Its all about Australian competitive cooking show. it is spin- off of Masterchef Australian which an adaptation of British show Masterchef. The contestants are children between 8 to 13 years old. Fantastic!!!They must be a gifted and talented child!!
They parents must be proud of them!! hehe

They not only talented but also great children. I can't imagine how they able face the tight and difficult competition in young ages!! Absolutely, its not easy to do, they must be have not only a strong faith and strong mental but also an endless exercise to achieve their dream, to be a professional chef!! Actually, without it , i'm not sure they can make it!! Oh its too wonderful to be truth!!!

The Judges

Gary Mehigan, George Calombaris, Matt Preston and Anna Gare

TOP 50

50 amazing junior chef are selected

TOP 12

Pierre, Jack, Sam, Isabella, Sofia, Alex, Emily, Cassidy, Nick, Siena, Anthony, Lucy :)

The Winner

Isabella and Jack

My Favorite

It's Siena :)

Although Siena is the youngest competitor, This little girl is only 9 years old!( How young she is!) , in JuniorMasterChef she certainly is one of the toughest. Absolutely, She is my favorite contestant! She's so amazing girl . She cook dish brilliantly, She loves to make desserts. Her specialty dish is lemon curt Tarts. Although she really good in dessert, she able to cook another dish as she great in making special dessert.

She has the cutest smile, lovely, but it is not the only reason why i admire her.The only one reason why i really love her because she is really optimistic girl i ever met. I remember when she said :

I'm sure i can make it because I really really want this

when she asked if she could be the top 12, And you know what? She said it without any doubt and fear at all, but optimist! She trust it wholeheartedly that she can make it, and she make it! Oh,,,I love her...

Unfortunately, she didn't win the competition, she reached the top 4, but no matter who win the competition, for me, she is still best and amazing girl in the competition :) . Wish you can reach your biggest dream, to open your very own patisserie!!!!!! Go Siena Go Siena Go!! :)

Its cooking time :)

Diposting oleh mirefasdiari di 05.50 0 komentar
Kisah ini berawal dari sebuah percakapan antara ibu dan anak perempuannya

Mama : " De, kapan kamu mau bantu mama masak?"
Gw :" Hmm,,, gak tau ni, ma, lagi banyak tugas?"
Mama : " Apa? tugas lagi? setiap minggu kerjaannya ngerjain tugas terus,! Heran deh mama!"
Gw : "Haduh, ma, tugasnya khan banyak banget, beda lagi, setiap minggu pasti ada tugas baru, ma"
Mama : " Salah sendiri kenapa kamu gak dikerjain di kosan, pokoknya mama gak mau tau, kamu harus bantu mama masak, kamu khan anak perempuan masa gak bisa masak sih "
Gw : "Hmmm..." ( Spechless, gak berani sedikit pun untuk mengucapkan janji, oh my,,,,)

Semenjak percakapan itulah gua mulai menyadari kalau sebenernya apa yang dibilang ama nyokap gua ada benernya juga sih, oleh karena itulah hari ini gua memutuskan untuk memasak sesuatu. Yeah, akhirnya gua masak juga!

Setelah mencari dibeberapa buku resep, akhirnya gua menemukan sebuah resep yang menarik. sebenernya sih resep ini udah lamaaaa banget pengen gua realisasikan, tetapi karena berbagai alasan yang bla bla bla, yah, apa boleh buat, baru sekarang ini baru gua bisa realisasikan. Thats all right...hmmmm

okay, langsung aja, ya, teman, hari ini gua berencana untuk membuat ( jeng jeng jeng ).....


Skotel dadar isi

Yap, skotel dadar isi!
menurut di buku resep sih tingkat kesulitan dari masakan ini adalah sedang.
hmmm,,, apakah benar begitu?

Just wait n see y :)

This is it!

bahan - bahan yang digunakan

Yap, ini adalah bahan- bahan yang dibutuhkan. bahan- bahannya gak ribet kok, cuma tomat, bawang bombay, bawang putih, telur, susu, bayam, mentega, daging asap (tetapi berhubung mendadak, jadi gak sempet belanja. So, daging asapnya diganti dengan sosis) dan bumbu dapur lainnya :)

Proses masaknya, memang gak rumit sih, tapi dibutuhkan kesabaran ( sangat sangat!). Apalagi buat gua yang jaaraaaang baanget masak. Wah, sungguh- sungguh amatir d, buat tumis bawang dan kawan2nya aja lamaaa banget, gua sampai nangis hiks hiks, itu pun jauh dari halus (kalo menurut bokap gua, tapi memang iya c). hehehe.


lovely :)

Akhirnya setelah berjuang mati- matian dan tanpa henti (lebay ni hehe), jadi juga masakan gua. Wah senangnya !!! gimana teman- teman? apakah terlihat enak? Please, dont judge from its cover y!! Walaupun mungkin penampilannya berbeda dengan di resep, mudah- mudahan sih rasanya enak.
And, you know what? dibutuhkan 4 jam cuma masak satu resep aja! Whoaaa memang kurang berpengalaman sekali !!

and surprise!!
gua seneng banget kata orang2 rumah c rasanya enak lho!!!
whoaa ( teary :'), mudah2an mereka mengatakannya dari sanubari yang terdalam hehehe)

memperhatikan gua yang lebih sibuk dan heboh banget untuk mendokumentasikan momen ini daripada masaknya, Kaka gua berkomentar:

Teteh : Sebenernya kamu niat masak ato nulis di blog c??
Gua : Yaa masak lah, aq khan memang pengen bikin skotel ni udah lama banget, entah kapan tau ( membela diri)
Teteh : Really?

The truth is,,,,,
gua gak bisa bilang iya atau nggak karena kenyataan yang sebenarnya adalah gua memang gak bohong kalau gua memang pengen masak resep ini dari lamaaa banget, tetapi di sisi lain gua gak bisa bohong bahwa ada tujuan terselubung dalam hal ini, yaitu tentu saja untuk blog! Yeah, hidup blog!! hehe. Tentu saja karena menurut gua momen seperti ini adalah momen yang terlalu berharga untuk dilewatkan, apalagi untuk gua yang jaaaaaraaaaang banget masak. hehehe

Wah jadi semangat buat sering- sering masak ni! :)

Hidup Masak ^u^ !!

Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

Try, Try Try

Diposting oleh mirefasdiari di 13.26 0 komentar
I dont have any idea about this, but i hope you like it. hehe :)

Father And Son
Neo and his father

i love u, dad


in front of the mirror


Diposting oleh mirefasdiari di 12.42 0 komentar

I'm coming back to post something here again :)

Okay, setelah beberapa hari gua ga posting di sini karena beberapa hambatan, kali ini gua akan share beberapa foto . Foto- foto ini diambil oleh A Dhonny, hehe. Hope you like it :)

Hello people ^0^.

I'm just thinking of something...

Then I realize ...This my tooth! it's look a like SPONGE BOB, isn't it?

Hey, its me.

what a camera face! am i photogenic?:D

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011


Diposting oleh mirefasdiari di 19.40 0 komentar

Affirmation. Even just a short and simple word, affirmation has strong power as a healing word that help us achieve our goal, lead a happy life J. Whatever your affirmations it is, it will work well if you continuously said that

Affirmation can be done anytime and anywhere, before and after sleep, during you do your activity such as; waiting for your friends, when you on the way home, when you drive your car, you can do it in every situation. You can also said it loudly or just in silent, inner speech. It depends on you which way will make you feel comfortable as the best way. So, it’s up to you!!! Trust me

The great news is you don’t have to believe it, since things you must do is just said it as often as possible. Remember, our unconscious mind can’t differ whether it’s true or not, so don’t worry be happy! Just do it again and again, and you will find the proof that everything you want will come easily not only in your imagination but also in reality.

What a wonderful life!

There are some rules to apply affirmation which you have to obeyed, as amazing tool, they usually called 4P. What is 4P?? Okay,

4P are positive+ present tense+ persistent+ passion

Here some explanation above:

Positive, avoid some negative word such as; don’t, wont, not, never, etc, replace it by positive word. For example, don’t use statement “I’m not good student”, but use statement “I’m good student.”

Present, not future or the past, so is all about present statement. Imagine that the condition is already happen in your life no matter is true or not. For example: Don’t use statement “I will have master degree.” But use statement “ I have master degree next year.”

Persistent, of course, you have to say it continuously and consistently in your day to day life!

Passion, actually you have to say by emotion you keep inside making it stronger!!!

I actually interesting in affirmation. It’s true based on my experience that affirmation really help me in solve all my problem in life, even big problem! Interesting isn’t it?? Of course you can make it on your own, and apply this in your daily life!!! Really easy and really help us. So, what are you waiting for? Come on, just do this!!!


  1. I’m great writer and communicator
  2. I believe my self wholeheartedly that I can achieve happiness in life
  3. I love my self from my deepest soul
  4. I’m confident of my self
  5. I’m magnet of happiness, love, and prosperity in the universe
  6. I’m good listener and speaker
  7. I’m happy to help the other
  8. I’m creative, I can create something new, an amazing one
  9. I’m easy to find idea within my sense, thought, and intuition
  10. I’m consistently write what I feel and what I thought inside
  11. I’m consistently write an interesting article every month
  12. I’m consistently do meditation, visualization, anchoring therapy before and after sleep
  13. I can control my emotion well in the good term or bad term
  14. I can solve all my problem in life fun and easily
  15. I lead a healthy life, eat well, and do exercise every week
  16. I always grateful of my life
  17. I always enjoy every second in my life
  18. Everyday in every where I feel better and better
  19. Everyday in every where I am closer to the goal
  20. Everyday in every where God grant me the strength to proof that

From now on, Emiria Farahdina is a miracle maker ^u^


Selasa, 15 Februari 2011


Diposting oleh mirefasdiari di 23.36 0 komentar

First of all, i just want to tell you that all members of my family, especially my dad, have been complaining that i spend too much time in front of my computer just for blogging and I don't have enough time for them. Thats not good actually, I'm so sorry. To apologize, i decided to dedicate my day to do some home assignments.

There's nothing much to say today, but i'm feeling bored of being jobless. I miss my campus activities and its assignment ( Are you sure ?hmmm,,, let me think over, hehe), and also my pals. I miss u all very much :'(. Yeah, i can say that It feels extremely weird not having any must-jobs to do or at least something to keep myself productive in some days have been filled with sleeping and eating which I find very pathetic. I feel like i'm the man in wrong time, it seems gonna be wrong in everything i do.

May be, it is the right time for me to relax my mind. Hmm,, I wish by tomorrow the terrible thought should be totally gone. insya Allah...

thanks, friends! :)


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